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7 Best Deeds in Islam

In Islam, there are a number of noble deeds that one can perform to please Allah and earn His mercy. These good deeds range from prayer and fasting to helping others in need. This article will explore seven of the best deeds in Islam that are highly recommended by Islamic scholars and religious leaders.

01 – Praying Five Times A Day (Salaah)

 The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said “Indeed the first deed by which a servant will be called to account on the Day of Resurrection is his Salat. If it is complete, he is successful and saved, but if it is defective, he has failed and lost. So if something is deficient in his obligatory (prayers) then the Lord, Mighty and Sublime says: ‘Look! Are there any voluntary (prayers) for my worshipper?’ So with them, what was deficient in his obligatory (prayers) will be completed. Then the rest of his deeds will be treated like that.” (Tirmidhi). Praying five times a day – Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha – is not only an act of worship but also an act of obedience to Allah. It’s important for Muslims to learn how to properly perform each prayer in order to reap its full rewards.

02 – Fasting (Voluntary & During Ramadan)

Fasting during Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam, which means it is obligatory for all adult Muslims who are able-bodied and financially stable enough to fast without any difficulties or harm being done to them. Not only does fasting help us become closer to Allah, it also helps us become more self-aware, self-disciplined and have greater empathy for those who don’t have enough food or water on a daily basis.

03 – Giving Charity

Charity has a great reward in Islam as it helps those less fortunate than ourselves and earns us God’s pleasure as well as helping us gain forgiveness for our sins. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said “Whoever gives charity equal to a date from his honestly earned money – for Allah accepts only that which is honest – Allah takes it with His right hand and then enlarges its reward for that person [who gave it], as anyone of you brings up his baby horse, so much so that it becomes as big as a mountain” (Bukhari).

04 – Performing Hajj & Umrah

Performing Hajj and Umrah is one of the most rewarding and spiritual experiences anyone can have. To ensure that pilgrims comply with the beliefs, customs and regulations during Hajj or Umrah is the responsibility of each believer. Additionally, contemplating on the mercy and blessings of Allah while performing both obligations helps increase spirituality in a person’s life. One can enjoy this divine bond with Allah even more by following each instruction carefully to make sure that nothing obstructs an individual’s faith-filled journey with God.

05 – Reading Quran

Reading Quran regularly helps increase our knowledge about Allah’s teachings and provides spiritual nourishment for our souls through its beautiful words of guidance provided by God Himself in clear Arabic language understood by millions around the world today no matter what language they speak or where they come from! Additionally, many verses within Quran provide comfort and solace when we feel overwhelmed by life’s struggles; reminding us that no matter what happens we should always remember Allah’s love for us even when things may seem dark or difficult in this life!

06 – Spreading Knowledge

Spreading knowledge about Islam is important because it allows people to learn more about their religion without having their faith judged by others who may not understand its true essence or meaning behind certain laws/practices! It also encourages dialogue between different sects within Muslim communities which can help reduce misunderstandings between them due to lack of education/knowledge on certain topics related directly back into Islamic tradition itself!

07 – Helping Others

Helping others benefits not only them but us too because if we do something good then Allah rewards us with His blessings! Helping someone could involve anything from providing shelter or food if they’re homeless/hungry; donating money towards charities/causes; volunteering your time at local mosques/organizations etc., all these actions are beneficial both spiritually & materially since they bring joy into people’s lives while simultaneously earning rewards from God too! We should always strive towards helping those less fortunate than ourselves whenever possible because doing so brings joy into both parties involved!

Good deeds form an integral part of Islam because they bring us closer to God while simultaneously making this world a better place for everyone living here too! While there are many more good deeds than just these seven listed above, performing any kind deed with sincerity & honesty will always lead towards increased Divine mercy & blessings regardless of whether small or large! Our courses at Araby Plus are available to help you learn about the various good deeds in Islam that you can begin practicing today without any information being left out. So, let’s strive towards doing good everyday & may Allah accept all our efforts made sincerely out love & devotion towards Him alone! Ameen!

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