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About Araby Plus

Our Vision

Araby Plus is determined to cater the opportunity to all Muslims worldwide to foster the Quranic teachings within a community that aims to provide an enjoyable and interactive online learning experience for all ages and levels with well-structured classes and trained tutors.

Our Mission

Nurture the love of the Quran in all the Muslims’ homes

شارع 45 , العصافرة , الأسكندرية

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تابعنا على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي


What Our Students Say

I’ve tried many ways to learn Arabic, but Arabyplus is the best. My speaking, reading and writing have improved a lot, Arabyplus has a good follow with students I send my homework each session for feedback and when I have questions, my teacher is quick to help I am very thankful for Arabyplus.
Saba Siddiqui
I want to express my gratitude for providing my sons with amazing teacher that helps them to love Quran sessions and don’t try to escape from them as usual. He is gentle in his approach and explain things very well and it is very nice thing that Arabyplus encourage my sons with shahada and gifts after each part they memorize in Quran I recommend Arabyplus for people interested in learning Arabic and Quran.
My daughters have been having a good experience learning in Arabyplus for Arabic, Quran and Islamic. Arabyplus represents a very patient and good teacher for them. he goes above and beyond to make lessons engaging for my daughters. It is been an amazing website for my daughter’s religious education.
As someone who is a new Muslim finding resources that help me to be a very good Muslim has been vital for me. Arabyplus has truly been a blessing in my journey. The weekly sessions with their teacher have not only helped me deepen my understanding of Islam but also motivated me to stay connected to my faith. These teachers are not just experts in their field but also patient and genuine. Their guidance and support have made all the difference in my learning experience with Arabyplus. I’m grateful for their kindness.
New Muslim
I love studying at Arabyplus because their curriculum for learning Arabic is excellent. The website explains everything in both English and Arabic which makes it easy for me to understand and learn. They have amazing teachers who are not only knowledgeable but also have a special talent for making the learning process. Thanks to Arabyplus.
I have a good experience with Arabyplus. The Tajweed classes has been fulfilling and I owe much of it to my exceptional teacher. She's not only knowledgeable but also extremely supportive and patient, especially when I stumble over mistakes.
Every class feels like a step forward, and I can already see a difference in my Tajweed skills. It's a heartwarming feeling to be able to read the Quran and apply the rules correctly to different verses. I couldn't be happier with how the lessons are going, and I'm grateful to have benefited so much from them. I appreciate the Favor that Arabyplus represent to me for be good at reading Quran with Tajweed.
Mohamed Ali
Learning Arabic with Arabyplus has been a rewarding and enjoyable experience, The teacher is wonderful and make the process so easy. I couldn't have asked for a better way to learn.
I want to extend my gratitude thanks to everyone at Araby plus for their continuous support in my kids’ journey of learning Arabic. Since starting with your website, my children have found learning Arabic to be not only easy but also enjoyable. Their teacher has been exceptional, always patient and fully engaged during lessons. Thanks to him, my children have developed a new found passion for learning Arabic. We're grateful for Arabyplus for this experience.
Arabyplus has been a gem for me in learning Arabic courses. The teachers and staff are incredibly professional and always ready to assist students promptly. Their dedication and support have truly made my learning journey smooth and enjoyable."

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