islam Archives - Araby Plus For Islamic education Sun, 30 Jun 2024 09:01:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 islam Archives - Araby Plus 32 32 The Importance of Salah in Islam Sun, 30 Jun 2024 09:01:12 +0000 The Unparalleled Importance of Salah in Islam and the significance of Salah (prayer) in the life of a Muslim cannot be overstated. It is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, and one of the most emphasized aspects of the faith. Indeed, the importance of Salah is underscored in numerous verses in the Quran and […]

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The Unparalleled Importance of Salah in Islam and the significance of Salah (prayer) in the life of a Muslim cannot be overstated. It is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, and one of the most emphasized aspects of the faith. Indeed, the importance of Salah is underscored in numerous verses in the Quran and countless Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).

The Quran, the divine revelation of Allah (SWT), tells us:
‘Indeed, I am Allah. There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance.’ (Quran 20:14)

This verse underscores the Unparalleled Importance of Salah in Islam as a means of worship and remembrance of Allah (SWT). It is not only a ritual but a profound spiritual connection between the believer and the Creator.

Furthermore, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) emphasized the significance of Salah in numerous Hadiths. In one narration, he said, ‘The first matter that the slave will be brought to account for on the Day of Judgment is the prayer. If it is sound, then the rest of his deeds will be sound. And if it is bad, then the rest of his deeds will be bad.’ (Recorded by al-Tabarani)

The Importance of Salah in sunnah and Hadith

This Hadith underscores the paramount importance of Salah and its role as the foundation of a believer’s faith.

If the Salah is righteous, it is a sign of the believer’s good deeds, and if it is lacking, it is indicative of the believer’s negligence in other aspects of their faith.

Moreover, the Sunnah (the way of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)) provides us with numerous examples of the importance of Salah. The Prophet (ﷺ) himself was known to be steadfast and regular in his prayers, and he accorded them the highest priority. Even during times of hardship and danger, the Prophet (ﷺ) and his companions never neglected their Salah.

For instance, during the Battle of Uhud, despite being in the heat of battle, the Prophet (ﷺ) reminded his companions to perform their Asr prayer. This incident underscores the priority of Salah, even in the face of adversity.

In conclusion

Salah is more than just a ritual or obligation for Muslims.

It is a profound spiritual connection between the believer and Allah (SWT), a means of purification and growth, and a foundational pillar of faith.

As such, let us strive to emulate

the example of our beloved Prophet (ﷺ) and accord Salah the highest priority in our lives.

May Allah (SWT) guide us all and make our Salah the coolness of our eyes

and the delight of our hearts. Ameen.

(And peace be upon you, and the mercy of Allah and His blessings)

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Maximizing Your Spiritual Life in 10 Days of Dhul Hujjah Sat, 08 Jun 2024 04:17:23 +0000 Dhul Hujjah, the twelfth and final month of the Islamic calendar, holds immense significance for Muslims worldwide. It is a time of intense spiritual reflection and devotion and worship and culminating in the sacred pilgrimage to Mecca, the Hajj. through these ten days, countless believers embark on a journey of self-transformation, through practical tips and […]

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Dhul Hujjah

Dhul Hujjah, the twelfth and final month of the Islamic calendar, holds immense significance for Muslims worldwide. It is a time of intense spiritual reflection and devotion and worship and culminating in the sacred pilgrimage to Mecca, the Hajj. through these ten days, countless believers embark on a journey of self-transformation, through practical tips and insights, we will explore ways to purify our intentions, engage in meaningful acts of worship Whether you are a seasoned pilgrim or a seeker embarking on a new path.

The Virtue of the First Ten Days

10 days of Dhul Hujjah is the final or 12th month of the Islamic lunar calendar. The first 10 days of this month are held in special reverence, we conclude with the pilgrimage of Hajj and the festival of Eid al-Adha. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) declared the great virtue of these days:

There is no day on which Allah is nearer to his slaves than he is on these days.’ (Sahih Bukhari)

This hadith emphasizes the exceptional nature of the first 10 days of Dhul Hujjah when the rewards for acts of righteousness are markedly multiplied

They encompass the Hajj pilgrimage and the Day of Arfah, culminating in Eid al-Adha, the Festival of Sacrifice. These auspicious days offer a unique opportunity for Muslims worldwide to engage in profound spiritual growth and reap immense rewards. This blog post for sharing practical tips on maximizing your spiritual life during these blessed ten days.

Increase your worship

Allah (SWT) loves those who exert themselves in worship, so the last ten days of Dhul Hujjah present an excellent chance to earn Allah’s (SWT) pleasure through additional devotion.

Engage in voluntary prayers (Nafla) and recite the Holy Quran regularly. You may set aside a specific time each day to focus solely on your spiritual practices.

Give charity

The act of giving charity is highly encouraged throughout the year in Islam so it is even more rewarding during these sacred days. Even small acts of generosity or donating to a worthy cause can bring immense blessings.

Engage in Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah)

Allocate time daily for Dhikr and constantly remember Allah (SWT).

This practice reinforces your relationship with your Creator and leads to spiritual tranquillity.

Recite verses from the Quran, supplications, or Tasbih, focusing on their meanings and implications in your life.

Fasting on the Day of Arfah

Observing fast on the Day of Arfah (9th Dhul Hujjah) is a significant act of worship and especially since it expiates the sins of the past year and the upcoming year.

This day holds immense spiritual value for Muslims, whether pilgrims or those not performing Hajj.

Seek Forgiveness in Dhul Hujjah

The last ten days of Dhul Hujjah are a time for self-reflection and seeking forgiveness from Allah (SWT). for past transgressions.

So, we spend time in sincere repentance, asking for Allah’s (SWT) mercy and forgiveness.

This will help you to start afresh with renewed determination to follow Allah’s (SWT) path.

Maintain good character in Dhul Hujjah

Consistently displaying excellent character traits is essential to spiritual growth, so strive to be a positive influence on others.

Be compassionate towards others, show gratitude, and avoid backbiting or engaging in gossip.

Strengthen your relationships

Dhul Hujjah’s last ten days offer the chance to improve your relationships with family and friends, and colleagues.

Allocate time to strengthen your bonds with loved ones, resolve misunderstandings, and build new connections with people around you.

Make dua (supplication) in Dhul Hujjah

The last ten days of Dhul Hujjah are a time for intensive supplication and Compose your heartfelt duas and beseech Allah (SWT) for His guidance, mercy, and blessings.

Focus on your goals in Dhul Hujjah

Use these days to reflect on personal goals and ambitions.

engaging in self-development activities to improve yourself spiritually, intellectually, and physically.

Spread the message of peace

As Muslims, it is essential to embody the peaceful message of Islam and Strive to be a positive representation of the faith by demonstrating kindness, generosity, and respect towards others.

In conclusion

the last ten days of Dhul Hujjah offer a unique opportunity for spiritual growth and self-improvement.

By maximizing your devotion to Allah (SWT) through additional worship, acts of charity, and displaying excellent character, you can make the most of this blessed period and strengthen your connection with your Creator.

Importance of the first 10 days of Dhul Hujjah | IslamicFinder

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Islamic and Arabic culture, where art, calligraphy, and poetry hold deep symbolism and heritage.

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Greening Our Deeds: Embracing Sustainable Living through Islamic Principles – Araby Plus

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Unveiling the Heart of Giving: Exploring the Concept of Charity Sun, 11 Jun 2023 21:00:00 +0000 Charity, or sadaqah, is a central concept in Islam. It is considered a form of worship, an act of gratitude, and a means of purifying one’s wealth and soul. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of charity in Islam, including the different types of giving and the benefits it brings to individuals […]

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Charity, or sadaqah, is a central concept in Islam. It is considered a form of worship, an act of gratitude, and a means of purifying one’s wealth and soul. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of charity in Islam, including the different types of giving and the benefits it brings to individuals and communities.

Types of Charity in Islam

In Islam, there are two main types of charity: zakat and sadaqah.

Zakat is a mandatory form of charity that is obligatory on all Muslims who meet certain conditions. It is typically calculated as 2.5% of one’s annual income and is distributed to specific categories of people, including the poor, the needy, and those in debt. Zakat is one of the 5 pillars of Islam, which we discussed previously in more detail in our Five Pillars of Islam blogpost.

Sadaqah, on the other hand, is a voluntary form of charity that can take many different forms. It can be as simple as giving a smile or a kind word, or as significant as donating large sums of money or time to help others in need. Sadaqah can be given at any time and in any amount, and it is considered a highly virtuous act in Islam.

Benefits of Charity in Islam

Charity is not only beneficial to those who receive it, but also to those who give it. In Islam, giving charity is believed to bring numerous spiritual and worldly benefits, including the following:

01- Purification of wealth: Giving charity is considered a means of purifying one’s wealth and removing any negative effects that may be associated with it.

02- Increase in blessings: Giving charity is believed to bring an increase in blessings and rewards from Allah, both in this life and in the hereafter.

03- Protection from calamities: Giving charity is considered a means of seeking protection from calamities and hardships, both in this life and in the hereafter.

04- Satisfaction of the soul: Giving charity is believed to bring a sense of satisfaction and contentment to the soul, as it allows one to help others and make a positive impact on the world.

05- Building strong communities: Giving charity helps to build strong and supportive communities, as it encourages people to come together and help each other in times of need.

Charity is a fundamental concept in Islam that emphasizes the importance of generosity, compassion, and social responsibility. By giving charity, we not only help those in need but also gain numerous spiritual and worldly benefits. We hope this blog post has helped you understand the concept of charity in Islam and encouraged you to give generously to those in need.

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The concept of tawheed in Islam: An exploration of the central belief in Islam Fri, 26 May 2023 23:00:00 +0000 The concept of tawheed is one of the most fundamental beliefs in Islam. Tawheed means the oneness of Allah (God) and is the central belief of Islam. It emphasizes the absolute oneness of Allah, the Creator of the universe, and negates the existence of any other deity or partner with Allah. Tawheed is the foundation […]

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The concept of tawheed is one of the most fundamental beliefs in Islam. Tawheed means the oneness of Allah (God) and is the central belief of Islam. It emphasizes the absolute oneness of Allah, the Creator of the universe, and negates the existence of any other deity or partner with Allah. Tawheed is the foundation of Islam and is the basis of all other Islamic beliefs and practices.

Tawheed can be divided into three categories: Tawheed al-Rububiyyah (Oneness of Lordship), Tawheed al-Uluhiyyah (Oneness of Worship), and Tawheed al-Asmaa’ wa’l-Sifaat (Oneness of Allah’s Names and Attributes). Each of these categories has its own significance and implications in Islam.

01- Tawheed al-Rububiyyah

It refers to the belief that Allah is the One and Only Lord and Creator of the universe, and that everything in the universe is under His control and guidance. It emphasizes the unity of the universe, the harmony of its systems and laws, and the orderliness of its creation.

02- Tawheed al-Uluhiyyah

It refers to the belief that Allah is the only One who deserves to be worshipped. It emphasizes the importance of worshipping Allah alone, and negates the worship of any other deity, whether it be idols, human beings, or any other created beings.

03- Tawheed al-Asmaa’ wa’l-Sifaat

It refers to the belief that Allah has unique names and attributes that are exclusive to Him. It emphasizes the absolute uniqueness and incomparability of Allah’s names and attributes, and negates any attempt to liken Allah to His creation.

The concept of tawheed is essential to understanding Islam and its core beliefs. It emphasizes the importance of monotheism, the worship of Allah alone, and the recognition of His unique names and attributes. By embracing tawheed, Muslims strive to live a life devoted to Allah and to follow His guidance.

If you want to learn more about Islam and tawheed, Araby+ offers courses that can help you learn the Arabic language and understand Islamic teachings that you can explore right here. Also check out our blog post on the Five Pillars of Islam to gain a deeper understanding of the core beliefs and practices of Islam.

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The role of women in Islam: An examination of the rights and responsibilities of women in Islamic culture Fri, 19 May 2023 23:00:00 +0000 As a religion that commands over 1.6 billion followers worldwide, Islam’s views on the rights and responsibilities of women are often misunderstood and misrepresented. While it is true that women in Islamic societies are expected to adhere to certain religious and cultural norms, they also have several rights and protections enshrined in Islamic law. One […]

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As a religion that commands over 1.6 billion followers worldwide, Islam’s views on the rights and responsibilities of women are often misunderstood and misrepresented. While it is true that women in Islamic societies are expected to adhere to certain religious and cultural norms, they also have several rights and protections enshrined in Islamic law.

One of the most fundamental rights given to women in Islam is the right to education. The Prophet Muhammad himself stressed the importance of education for both men and women, stating that “the acquisition of knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim.” Women have been scholars, teachers, and leaders in Islamic history, and many continue to be so today.

Another important right for women in Islam is the right to own and manage property. Islamic law permits women to own property, inherit from their family members, and engage in business transactions. In fact, there are many instances in Islamic history where women were successful businesswomen and landowners.

In terms of marriage, women have the right to consent to their own marriages, as well as the right to divorce their husbands in certain circumstances. In Islamic law, marriage is considered a contract between two parties, and both parties have the right to stipulate conditions in the contract. Women are also entitled to receive a dowry (mahr) from their husbands as a sign of their commitment to the marriage.

On the topic of dress, while modesty is expected of both men and women in Islam, women are not required to cover their faces or wear a specific style of clothing. Rather, Islamic dress codes for women emphasize covering the body in loose, non-revealing clothing.

Women are also entitled to certain protections and safeguards under Islamic law. For example, in cases of divorce or inheritance disputes, Islamic law mandates that women be treated fairly and justly. In addition, Islamic law prohibits violence against women and provides avenues for recourse in cases of abuse or mistreatment.

In terms of responsibilities, women in Islam are responsible for fulfilling the same religious obligations as men, including prayer, fasting, and charitable giving. Women are also encouraged to participate in community affairs and to engage in acts of charity and social justice.

Islam recognizes and upholds the rights of women, granting them equal opportunities for education, property ownership, and participation in society. While cultural practices may sometimes contradict these rights, it is important to note that Islam itself does not condone such practices. By understanding the true nature of women’s rights and responsibilities in Islam, we can work towards creating a more just and equitable society for all.

If you want to learn more about the rights and responsibilities of women in Islam, check out Araby+ courses on Islamic Studies, which cover a wide range of topics related to Islam and provide a comprehensive understanding of Islamic principles and practices.

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Understanding the Five Pillars of Islam: An in-depth look at the core beliefs and practices of Islam Fri, 12 May 2023 23:00:00 +0000 The Five Pillars of Islam are the fundamental religious duties that every Muslim must follow throughout their lives. These pillars provide guidance and structure to the Islamic faith, serving as the foundation of Islam. 01- The first pillar is Shahadah, which is the declaration of faith. Muslims publicly declare that there is no god but […]

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The Five Pillars of Islam are the fundamental religious duties that every Muslim must follow throughout their lives. These pillars provide guidance and structure to the Islamic faith, serving as the foundation of Islam.

01- The first pillar is Shahadah,

which is the declaration of faith. Muslims publicly declare that there is no god but God, and Muhammad is his messenger. This profession of faith serves as an affirmation that Allah is the one true God and that Muhammad (pbuh) was His messenger. Shahadah also implies that one must submit themselves entirely to the will of Allah.

02- The second pillar is Salat,

which refers to ritual prayer. Muslims perform Salat five times a day at specific times during the day, facing Mecca (the holy city in Saudi Arabia), reciting specific verses from the Quran and offering supplications to Allah. Muslims are required to perform Salat on a daily basis and abstain from any activities or conversations during this time.

03- The third pillar is Zakat,

which is a form of charity. Muslims give away 2.5% of their wealth each year to help those who are less fortunate than them. Zakat can be given in cash or kind (such as food or clothing), and it aims to promote social equality by encouraging people who have more resources than others to share some of their wealth with those who have less.

04- The fourth pillar is Sawm,

which refers to fasting during the month of Ramadan. Muslims abstain from eating or drinking anything from sunrise until sunset for 30 days straight during Ramadan, with exceptions for those who are ill or pregnant. This practice helps reinforce self-restraint among believers so that they may better appreciate their blessings from Allah.

05- The fifth pillar is Hajj,

which is an annual pilgrimage. Muslims must make the Hajj pilgrimage at least once in their lifetime if they are financially able. During Hajj, pilgrims travel to Mecca where they perform various rituals such as circling around Kaaba seven times clockwise followed by walking between two hills called Safa & Marwa seven times back & forth. Hajj serves as an opportunity for believers around the world to come together in worshiping God regardless of race or nationality while demonstrating solidarity within Islam’s global community.

By understanding and practicing the Five Pillars of Islam, Muslims can live a life devoted to Allah’s will. Araby+ offers experienced tutors who can help you learn and practice these principles through comprehensive Quran courses. Explore our courses at Araby+ and start your journey towards a deeper understanding and practice of the Five Pillars of Islam.

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How Islamic Teachings Can Inspire a Healthy Lifestyle Tue, 04 Apr 2023 14:00:00 +0000 ‍In today’s world, leading a healthy lifestyle is more important than ever. With the rise of chronic diseases and unhealthy habits, it’s essential to adopt healthy practices to improve our overall well-being. Interestingly, Islamic teachings offer a unique perspective on leading a healthy lifestyle. From the way we eat to the way we exercise, Islamic […]

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‍In today’s world, leading a healthy lifestyle is more important than ever. With the rise of chronic diseases and unhealthy habits, it’s essential to adopt healthy practices to improve our overall well-being. Interestingly, Islamic teachings offer a unique perspective on leading a healthy lifestyle. From the way we eat to the way we exercise, Islamic principles emphasize the importance of maintaining a healthy mind, body, and soul. In this article, we’ll explore how Islamic teachings can inspire a healthy lifestyle and offer practical tips on how to implement them in our daily lives.

The Importance of Mindfulness in Islamic Teachings

Islam emphasizes the importance of mindfulness in all aspects of life, including health and wellness. Mindfulness means being present in the moment, aware of our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings, without judgment. Mindful living is an essential component of leading a healthy lifestyle, as it helps us manage stress, improve our mental and emotional health, and make conscious decisions about our habits.

In Islamic teachings, mindfulness is encouraged through prayer, meditation, and reflection on God’s teachings. Muslims are encouraged to pray five times a day, which helps them stay connected to God and stay mindful of their actions. During prayer, Muslims are required to focus on the words they recite, which helps them become more aware of their thoughts and emotions.

Another way that Islamic teachings promote mindfulness is through the concept of Tawakkul or reliance on God. Tawakkul encourages Muslims to trust in God’s plan and to have faith that everything will work out for the best. By trusting in God, Muslims can let go of stress, anxiety, and worry, which can all have negative effects on their health.

To practice mindfulness in your daily life, try incorporating meditation and reflection into your routine. Spend a few minutes each day reflecting on your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Take deep breaths and focus on the present moment. By doing so, you’ll become more aware of your thoughts and emotions, which can help you make conscious decisions about your health and well-being.

The Role of Diet in Islamic Teachings

Diet plays a significant role in Islam, as it affects not only our physical health but also our spiritual well-being. Muslims are encouraged to eat a balanced and healthy diet that includes a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, grains, and lean proteins.

One of the most important principles of Islamic dietary law is halal, which means permissible. Muslims are only allowed to eat food that is halal, which means it must be prepared in accordance with Islamic guidelines. Halal food should be free from any impurities or harmful substances, and animals must be slaughtered in a humane and ethical way.

Another important aspect of Islamic dietary law is the concept of moderation. Muslims are encouraged to eat in moderation and to avoid overeating or indulging in unhealthy foods. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once said, “The son of Adam does not fill any vessel worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for the son of Adam to eat a few mouthfuls, to keep him going. If he must do that (fill his stomach), then let him fill one third with food, one third with drink, and one third with air.”

To implement Islamic dietary principles into your daily life, focus on eating a balanced and healthy diet that includes a variety of foods. Choose halal options whenever possible and avoid overeating or indulging in unhealthy foods.

The Benefits of Fasting in Islam

Fasting is an essential aspect of Islamic teachings and is practiced during the holy month of Ramadan. During Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn until sunset, abstaining from food, drink, and other physical needs. Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam and is considered a way to purify the soul, increase self-discipline, and strengthen one’s faith.

In addition to its spiritual benefits, fasting has numerous health benefits as well. Fasting has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, lower blood pressure, and reduce inflammation. Fasting can also help promote weight loss and improve overall metabolism.

Similarly, fasting is considered one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is regarded as one of the most virtuous deeds. For further insights, you can read more here into other righteous acts that can be performed in Islam.

Physical Activity and Exercise According to Islamic Teachings

Physical activity and exercise are essential components of leading a healthy lifestyle. In Islamic teachings, physical activity and exercise are encouraged to maintain a healthy body and mind. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once said, “A strong believer is better and dearer to Allah than a weak one, and both are good. Strive for that which will benefit you, and seek help from Allah, and do not despair.”

In Islam, physical activity and exercise are encouraged as a means of worship. Muslims are encouraged to take care of their bodies and to stay active, as it helps them maintain good health and fulfill their religious obligations.

To incorporate physical activity into your daily routine, consider engaging in activities that you enjoy, such as walking, running, or swimming. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per day, and try to vary your routine to keep things interesting.

The Importance of Sleep and Rest in Islamic Teachings

Sleep and rest are essential components of a healthy lifestyle, as they help the body recharge and recover from the stresses of daily life. In Islamic teachings, sleep and rest are encouraged as a means of worship and are considered essential for maintaining good health.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once said, “Take a nap, for the devil does not take naps.” This hadith emphasizes the importance of rest and encourages Muslims to take naps during the day to recharge their bodies and minds.

To improve your sleep and rest, try to establish a consistent sleep routine and avoid using electronic devices before bedtime. Create a calm and relaxing sleep environment, and try to avoid caffeine and other stimulants in the evening.

Stress Management and Mental Health in Islam

Stress and mental health are significant concerns for many people, and Islamic teachings offer unique perspectives on managing stress and improving mental health. In Islam, stress is considered a natural part of life, but it’s essential to manage it in a healthy way.

One way that Islamic teachings promote stress management is through prayer and meditation. Praying five times a day can help Muslims stay connected to God and find inner peace. Meditation and reflection can also help manage stress and promote mental and emotional well-being.

To improve your mental health and manage stress, try incorporating prayer and meditation into your daily routine. Practice mindfulness and reflection, and seek support from friends and family when needed.

Integrating Islamic Teachings into Your Daily Routine for a Healthy Lifestyle

Integrating Islamic teachings into your daily routine can be a powerful way to lead a healthy lifestyle. By incorporating principles such as mindfulness, a balanced diet, physical activity, and stress management, you can improve your overall well-being and lead a more fulfilling life.

To integrate Islamic teachings into your daily routine, start by setting achievable goals. Choose one or two principles to focus on and work on incorporating them into your daily routine. Seek support from friends, family, or a spiritual mentor, and stay committed to your goals.

Conclusion: Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle through Islamic Teachings

In conclusion, Islamic teachings offer a unique perspective on leading a healthy lifestyle. From the way we eat to the way we exercise, Islamic principles emphasize the importance of maintaining a healthy mind, body, and soul. By incorporating these teachings into our daily lives, we can cultivate a healthy lifestyle that is grounded in spirituality and mindful living. So, whether you’re a devout Muslim or simply looking for ways to improve your health, consider incorporating Islamic teachings into your daily routine and reap the many benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

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The Legendary Salahuddin. Mon, 27 Mar 2023 14:00:00 +0000 The legendary Muslim leader Salahuddin is a beloved figure in Arab and Muslim culture, remembered for his courage and wisdom in leading his troops to great victories. Salahuddin was born in Tikrit, Iraq in 1138 CE and was the ruler of Egypt, Syria, Yemen and Palestine during the 12th century. He was a Sunni Muslim […]

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The legendary Muslim leader Salahuddin is a beloved figure in Arab and Muslim culture, remembered for his courage and wisdom in leading his troops to great victories. Salahuddin was born in Tikrit, Iraq in 1138 CE and was the ruler of Egypt, Syria, Yemen and Palestine during the 12th century. He was a Sunni Muslim of Kurdish descent, and is most remembered for his battle against the Crusader states in the 12th century.

Salahuddin was renowned for his military prowess and tactical genius. In 1186, he was able to retake Jerusalem from the Franks and was respected by both his own troops and those of his enemies. His courage and wisdom in battle too were admired by all. He was known to be generous to those he defeated and was often said to show mercy even in the heat of battle.

Salahuddin was a great statesman as well. He reorganized the government of Egypt and Syria and set up a more efficient system of taxation and administration. He also reformed the economy of the region and was respected by both his own people and those of his allies.

In addition to his military and political accomplishments, Salahuddin was also a great man of faith. He was a devoted Muslim who was known for his piety and humility. He was known for his generosity to the poor and was known to have given generously to various charities. He also built numerous mosques and schools and was a great patron of the arts.

Salahuddin was one of the most beloved leaders of the Arab and Muslim world and is remembered even today for his great courage and wisdom. He was a great leader, warrior and statesman, as well as a man of faith and humility. He will always be remembered as a legendary Muslim leader who changed the face of his world.

Some of Salahuddin quotes:

“If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.”

“My strength lies solely in my dependence on God.”

“The more you sweated in peace, the less you bleed in war.”

“When I have fully given myself to prayer, I have attained an inward peace that the world could not give or take away.”

“It is better to pardon than to punish.”

“The more generous you are, the more you will receive.”

“The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life – mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical.”

“Knowledge is the most powerful weapon of all.”

“The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities. It is best to win without fighting.”

“It is only when you have the courage to face things that you are able to change them.”

“No mind is satisfied with a little prosperity.”

“My favorite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.”

“Victory is reserved for those who are willing to pay its price.” “Better to live one day as a lion than a thousand days as a sheep.”

Salahuddin Ayyubi was a great leader and inspiration for Muslims around the world. He held firm to his values and was deeply devoted to Allah and the cause of freedom for all Muslims. His legacy endured beyond his death through the influence he had on generations of leaders. His actions have been repeated across many countries in many different ways, making him one of the most oft-referenced leaders in Muslim history. As we honor this historical figure, we must also remember his message; that striving for true justice will always be an ongoing battle against tyranny, oppression, and aggression. We must fill our days by dedicating ourselves to working for the future, just as Salahuddin Ayyubi did selflessly leading and protecting those around us throughout our lives, no matter the cost or circumstance. You can learn all about such legendary figures and their principles in life with our comprehensive courses at Araby Plus right here.

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Fun and Engaging Ramadan Activities for Kids Sat, 25 Mar 2023 14:00:00 +0000 Ramadan is a holy month of fasting, prayer, and reflection. It is also the perfect opportunity to share in the celebration with your family and friends. For children, it can be difficult to understand what Ramadan means and why it is so important. That’s why engaging activities are a great way to introduce them to […]

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Ramadan is a holy month of fasting, prayer, and reflection. It is also the perfect opportunity to share in the celebration with your family and friends. For children, it can be difficult to understand what Ramadan means and why it is so important. That’s why engaging activities are a great way to introduce them to the significance of this special time of year. Here are some ideas that you can use to make Ramadan fun for kids!

01 – Arts & Crafts Projects

Arts and crafts projects are a great way to engage children during Ramadan. You could have them make paper lanterns or decorations for your home, like stars or crescents made out of construction paper. Or, if you want something more interactive, try having them create their own Eid cards for family members or friends! Another idea is to have them draw pictures of their favorite thing about Ramadan. This could be anything from their favorite food they get to eat after sunset or their favorite part of Eid al-Fitr. They will love being able to express themselves creatively while learning more about the holiday at the same time!

02 – Educational Games

Educational games are an excellent way to help children learn about Ramadan while still having fun. A scavenger hunt around the house is a great way for them to search for items related to Islamic culture such as dates, prayer mats, calligraphy books etc., while also getting some exercise in! Trivia games are another fun activity that will allow kids to test their knowledge of Ramadan facts such as when it starts/ends or how long it lasts this year. For younger children, you could also do word searches using words associated with the holiday like “fasting” or “Ramadan Kareem.” We offer such interactive learning techniques for kids and adults in our engaging and comprehensive courses here at Araby Plus, you can explore and enroll today right here!

03 – Storytelling Time

Storytelling time is one of my favorite activities because it allows parents an opportunity to share stories about past Ramadans with their kids and teach them about our culture in a fun way! You could start off by reading aloud from Islamic literature like The Quran or other religious books then ask questions afterward that encourages discussion among family members. You can also take turns telling stories from your own childhood experiences that relate back to this special time of year – this will give kids an insight into what life was like before modern times! The possibilities are endless here so don’t be afraid to get creative with your storytelling sessions!

Ramadan is a wonderful time for families and friends alike; however, it can be challenging for children who may not yet understand its importance. That’s why engaging activities and games are essential in helping young Muslims learn more about this holy month while still having fun with their loved ones. From arts & crafts projects and educational games all the way through storytelling time—there really is no shortage when it comes down to ways we can make this special month even more enjoyable for our little ones! So, try out some of these ideas today and let us know which one works best for you and your family!

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Tajweed: Your gate to memorizing and understanding the Quran. Wed, 22 Mar 2023 14:00:00 +0000 Are you looking for an effective way to memorize the Quran? Do you want to learn how to recite it with proper tajweed (articulation), so that you can fully understand its meaning and appreciate its beauty? If so, then tajweed is your answer! This ancient system of recitation provides guidance on the correct pronunciation and […]

The post Tajweed: Your gate to memorizing and understanding the Quran. appeared first on Araby Plus.

Are you looking for an effective way to memorize the Quran? Do you want to learn how to recite it with proper tajweed (articulation), so that you can fully understand its meaning and appreciate its beauty? If so, then tajweed is your answer! This ancient system of recitation provides guidance on the correct pronunciation and form of Quranic words and verses, helping readers achieve fluency faster than ever before. It also empowers them with enough knowledge to accurately interpret text in order to gain insight into the deeper meanings of Islam’s holy book. We invite you on a journey with us as we unveil the secrets of Tajweed – an invaluable key which will take you closer than ever towards understanding God’s word correctly.

01 – What is Tajweed and Why is it Important?

Tajweed is the science of proper recitation of the Quran, and is an important part of Islamic faith. It involves learning the rules of pronunciation, intonation, and proper articulation of the Quranic words. This helps to ensure that the words are articulated correctly and that the meaning is not lost.

02- The Rules of Tajweed

The rules of Tajweed involve learning the correct pronunciation of Quranic words, including the correct articulation of the letters, proper intonation and stress, and the proper pauses and stops. There are various rules and guidelines that must be followed when reciting the Quran in order to ensure that it is recited correctly.

03 – The Benefits of Learning Tajweed

Learning Tajweed is beneficial both spiritually and linguistically. It allows the reciter to properly enunciate the words of the Quran, understand the meaning of the Quranic verses, and be able to recite them correctly. It also helps to cultivate a deeper relationship with Allah as the reciter internalizes the words and meaning of the Quran.

04 – How to Learn Tajweed

There are various ways to learn tajweed, from reading books and taking classes to watching tutorials and listening to recordings. It is important to find an experienced teacher who can guide the student in the correct rules and pronunciation as we provide in Araby+. It is also important to have patience and practice regularly in order to master the art of Tajweed.

05 – The Importance of Memorizing the Quran

Memorizing the Quran is an important part of learning Tajweed. It helps to ensure that the reciter has a deep understanding of the words and meaning of the Quran. It also allows the reciter to internalize and reflect on the lessons of the Quran, and to apply them to their life.

Some of Hadeeths of the prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) about learning Quran and Tajweed:

  1. “He who does not recite the Quran in a proper manner is not of us.” (Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him).
  2. “The best among you is he who learns the Qur’an and teaches it.” (Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him).
  3. “Whoever recites the Quran and strives to learn it, his status will rise and he will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels.” (Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him).
  4. “Whoever recites the Quran with proper recitation and contemplation, the Lord of the Worlds will bestow ten rewards for each letter he recites.” (Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him).
Tajweed is extremely important when it comes to memorizing and understanding the Quran correctly. There are many different techniques that can be used in order to improve your tajweed, and it is important to find a method that works best for you. Our team of professionals at Araby Plus provides comprehensive courses that offer you convenient methods to become proficient in Tajweed. We ensure that no information is omitted, and our courses are designed to help you master Tajweed effectively, you can explore them right here! With consistent practice, you will be able to improve your tajweed and gain a better understanding of the Quran.

The post Tajweed: Your gate to memorizing and understanding the Quran. appeared first on Araby Plus.

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