Tajweed Archives - Araby Plus https://arabyplus.net/category/tajweed/ For Islamic education Thu, 27 Jun 2024 09:58:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://arabyplus.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/image-150x150.png Tajweed Archives - Araby Plus https://arabyplus.net/category/tajweed/ 32 32 Method of Starting Your Quran Tajweed Journey https://arabyplus.net/starting-your-quran-tajweed-journey/ https://arabyplus.net/starting-your-quran-tajweed-journey/#respond Thu, 27 Jun 2024 09:57:56 +0000 https://arabyplus.net/?p=3432 Embarking on the journey of learning and perfecting Quran Tajweed is a noble and rewarding endeavour. The art of Tajweed, which is the rules of recitation of the Quran, might seem intimidating at first, but with the right approach and mindset, it can be an enjoyable and spiritually uplifting experience. In this blog post, we […]

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Embarking on the journey of learning and perfecting Quran Tajweed is a noble and rewarding endeavour. The art of Tajweed, which is the rules of recitation of the Quran, might seem intimidating at first, but with the right approach and mindset, it can be an enjoyable and spiritually uplifting experience. In this blog post, we will guide you through the not-so-scary method of starting your Quran Tajweed journey.

Step 1: Understand the Importance of Tajweed (Method of Starting Your Quran Tajweed Journey)

The first step in starting your Tajweed journey is understanding its importance. Tajweed ensures that the Quran is recited as it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and provides a guide to the rules of pronunciation, intonation, and caesuras. By learning Tajweed, you are preserving the sanctity and sanctity of the Quranic message.

Step 2: Familiarize Yourself with the Arabic Alphabet (Method of Starting Your Quran Tajweed Journey)

If you are new to the Arabic language, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the Arabic alphabet and its pronunciation. The Arabic alphabet has 28 letters with various forms depending on their position in the word. Take your time to learn the letters and practice their pronunciation.

Step 3: Start with the Basics (Method of Starting Your Quran Tajweed Journey)

The rules of Tajweed can be overwhelming at first, so it’s best to start with the basics. Begin with the Nakhraj (point of articulation) and Sifat (characteristics) of the letters. Practice each Arabic letter individually and learn its unique characteristics. Make sure to practice prolonging the letters to get the hang of their pronunciation.

Step 4: Practice Short Surahs

Start reciting short Surahs such as Al-Fatihah and Al-Ikhlas that have simple words and short verses. This will help you apply the Tajweed rules you have learned and gradually build your confidence. Remember, the key is consistency and regular practice. Listen to the recitation of renowned reciters and try to imitate their Tajweed.


Step 5: Seek Guidance and Feedback

Seek guidance and feedback from an experienced Quran teacher or a trusted online platform like ARABYPLUS. They can help you identify areas of improvement and provide constructive feedback. Attend Quran Tajweed classes regularly and practice daily to improve your recitation.

Step 6: Be Patient and Persistent

Learning Tajweed requires patience and persistence. Do not rush the process and take your time to perfect each rule. Remember, Tajweed is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the process and enjoy the journey towards perfection.


Starting your Quran Tajweed journey does not have to be scary. With the right approach and mindset, anyone can learn and perfect Tajweed. Start with the basics, practice regularly, seek guidance and be patient. Remember, the Quran is a blessing and learning Tajweed is a way to honour and preserve its sacred message. Embrace the journey towards perfection and let the beauty of the Quranic message elevate your soul.

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10 Spiritual & physical benefits of fasting you might not know! https://arabyplus.net/10-spiritual-physical-benefits-of-fasting-you-might-not-know/ https://arabyplus.net/10-spiritual-physical-benefits-of-fasting-you-might-not-know/#respond Wed, 29 Mar 2023 14:00:00 +0000 https://arabyplus.net/?p=2890 Ramadan fasting is an important Islamic religious observance. It is a time of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and heightened devotion and worship. Fasting during Ramadan has numerous physical and spiritual benefits, which are outlined below. Physical Benefits of Ramadan Fasting Spiritual Benefits of Ramadan Fasting Hadeeths Mentioning the Benefits of Ramadan and Fasting:        The Prophet […]

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Ramadan fasting is an important Islamic religious observance. It is a time of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and heightened devotion and worship. Fasting during Ramadan has numerous physical and spiritual benefits, which are outlined below.

Physical Benefits of Ramadan Fasting

  1. Improves metabolism, leading to weight loss: Fasting has been proven to have a beneficial effect on metabolism. When done in moderation, it can lead to weight loss.
  2. Detoxifies the body: Fasting helps flush out toxins from the body, which in turn boosts the immune system.
  3. Strengthens willpower: Ramadan fasting strengthens one’s willpower, as it requires you to stick to a certain routine and avoid certain temptations.
  4. Improves heart health: Research has found that fasting can help reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, which improves heart health.
  5. Increases energy levels: Fasting can help increase energy levels, as it reduces the burden on the body’s digestive system.
  6. Improves mental clarity: Fasting can help reduce stress and improve mental clarity, as it forces the mind to focus on the present.
  7. Enhances physical endurance: Fasting can help improve physical endurance, as it helps the body become more efficient at using energy.

Spiritual Benefits of Ramadan Fasting

  1. Strengthens faith: Fasting during Ramadan helps strengthen one’s faith, as it requires you to focus on the spiritual aspect of the practice.
  2. Enhances spirituality: Fasting can help increase spirituality, as it requires you to be mindful of your thoughts and actions.
  3. Encourages charity: Fasting during Ramadan encourages charity and selflessness, as it provides an opportunity to give to those in need.
  4. Increases empathy: Fasting during Ramadan can help increase empathy for those less fortunate, as it encourages one to be mindful of their blessings.
  5. Enhances closeness with Allah: Fasting during Ramadan can help increase one’s closeness to Allah, as it requires one to be mindful of His commands and guidance.
  6. Self-Control: Fasting helps to increase your self-control, which can help to reduce anger, envy, and other negative feelings.

Hadeeths Mentioning the Benefits of Ramadan and Fasting:

       The Prophet Mohammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

  1. “Whoever fasts during Ramadan out of sincere faith and hoping to attain Allah’s rewards, then all his past sins will be forgiven.” (Bukhari)
  2. “When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of heaven are opened and the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained.” (Bukhari)
  3. “Fasting is a shield. So, the person who fasts should avoid sexual relations with his wife and should not behave foolishly and impudently, and if somebody fights with him or abuses him, he should tell him twice, ‘I am fasting.’” (Bukhari)
  4. “Whoever spends the nights of Ramadan in prayer out of faith and in the hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven.” (Muslim)
  5. “Verily, in Paradise there is a gate called al-Rayyan, and those who observe fasts will enter through it on the Day of Resurrection and none except them will enter through it. It will be said, ‘Where are those who used to observe fasts?’ They will get up, and none except them will enter through it. After their entry the gate will be closed and nobody will enter through it.” (Bukhari)

Verses from the Quran:

  1. “O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous.” (Quran 2:183)
  2. “So whoever among you sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it.” (Quran 2:185)
  3. “But whoever is ill or on a journey [during them] – then an equal number of other days.” (Quran 2:184)
  4. “Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve [lunar] months in the register of Allah [from] the day He created the heavens and the earth; of these, four are sacred. That is the correct religion, so do not wrong yourselves during them. And fight against the disbelievers collectively as they fight against you collectively. And know that Allah is with the righteous [who fear Him].” (Quran 9:36).
In the end, we should know that Allah gives us Ramadan as a chance to increase our faith by praying more than usual and reading Quran as well. You can improve your Quran proficiency with our professionally designed courses right here at Araby Plus. Ramadan is called the month of Quran, so we should get closer from Quran and get its meanings and teachings more than any other time.

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Tajweed: Your gate to memorizing and understanding the Quran. https://arabyplus.net/tajweed-your-gate-to-memorizing-and-understanding-the-quran/ https://arabyplus.net/tajweed-your-gate-to-memorizing-and-understanding-the-quran/#respond Wed, 22 Mar 2023 14:00:00 +0000 https://arabyplus.net/?p=2884 Are you looking for an effective way to memorize the Quran? Do you want to learn how to recite it with proper tajweed (articulation), so that you can fully understand its meaning and appreciate its beauty? If so, then tajweed is your answer! This ancient system of recitation provides guidance on the correct pronunciation and […]

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Are you looking for an effective way to memorize the Quran? Do you want to learn how to recite it with proper tajweed (articulation), so that you can fully understand its meaning and appreciate its beauty? If so, then tajweed is your answer! This ancient system of recitation provides guidance on the correct pronunciation and form of Quranic words and verses, helping readers achieve fluency faster than ever before. It also empowers them with enough knowledge to accurately interpret text in order to gain insight into the deeper meanings of Islam’s holy book. We invite you on a journey with us as we unveil the secrets of Tajweed – an invaluable key which will take you closer than ever towards understanding God’s word correctly.

01 – What is Tajweed and Why is it Important?

Tajweed is the science of proper recitation of the Quran, and is an important part of Islamic faith. It involves learning the rules of pronunciation, intonation, and proper articulation of the Quranic words. This helps to ensure that the words are articulated correctly and that the meaning is not lost.

02- The Rules of Tajweed

The rules of Tajweed involve learning the correct pronunciation of Quranic words, including the correct articulation of the letters, proper intonation and stress, and the proper pauses and stops. There are various rules and guidelines that must be followed when reciting the Quran in order to ensure that it is recited correctly.

03 – The Benefits of Learning Tajweed

Learning Tajweed is beneficial both spiritually and linguistically. It allows the reciter to properly enunciate the words of the Quran, understand the meaning of the Quranic verses, and be able to recite them correctly. It also helps to cultivate a deeper relationship with Allah as the reciter internalizes the words and meaning of the Quran.

04 – How to Learn Tajweed

There are various ways to learn tajweed, from reading books and taking classes to watching tutorials and listening to recordings. It is important to find an experienced teacher who can guide the student in the correct rules and pronunciation as we provide in Araby+. It is also important to have patience and practice regularly in order to master the art of Tajweed.

05 – The Importance of Memorizing the Quran

Memorizing the Quran is an important part of learning Tajweed. It helps to ensure that the reciter has a deep understanding of the words and meaning of the Quran. It also allows the reciter to internalize and reflect on the lessons of the Quran, and to apply them to their life.

Some of Hadeeths of the prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) about learning Quran and Tajweed:

  1. “He who does not recite the Quran in a proper manner is not of us.” (Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him).
  2. “The best among you is he who learns the Qur’an and teaches it.” (Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him).
  3. “Whoever recites the Quran and strives to learn it, his status will rise and he will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels.” (Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him).
  4. “Whoever recites the Quran with proper recitation and contemplation, the Lord of the Worlds will bestow ten rewards for each letter he recites.” (Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him).
Tajweed is extremely important when it comes to memorizing and understanding the Quran correctly. There are many different techniques that can be used in order to improve your tajweed, and it is important to find a method that works best for you. Our team of professionals at Araby Plus provides comprehensive courses that offer you convenient methods to become proficient in Tajweed. We ensure that no information is omitted, and our courses are designed to help you master Tajweed effectively, you can explore them right here! With consistent practice, you will be able to improve your tajweed and gain a better understanding of the Quran.

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