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Method of Starting Your Quran Tajweed Journey

Embarking on the journey of learning and perfecting Quran Tajweed is a noble and rewarding endeavour. The art of Tajweed, which is the rules of recitation of the Quran, might seem intimidating at first, but with the right approach and mindset, it can be an enjoyable and spiritually uplifting experience. In this blog post, we will guide you through the not-so-scary method of starting your Quran Tajweed journey.

Step 1: Understand the Importance of Tajweed (Method of Starting Your Quran Tajweed Journey)

The first step in starting your Tajweed journey is understanding its importance. Tajweed ensures that the Quran is recited as it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and provides a guide to the rules of pronunciation, intonation, and caesuras. By learning Tajweed, you are preserving the sanctity and sanctity of the Quranic message.

Step 2: Familiarize Yourself with the Arabic Alphabet (Method of Starting Your Quran Tajweed Journey)

If you are new to the Arabic language, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the Arabic alphabet and its pronunciation. The Arabic alphabet has 28 letters with various forms depending on their position in the word. Take your time to learn the letters and practice their pronunciation.

Step 3: Start with the Basics (Method of Starting Your Quran Tajweed Journey)

The rules of Tajweed can be overwhelming at first, so it’s best to start with the basics. Begin with the Nakhraj (point of articulation) and Sifat (characteristics) of the letters. Practice each Arabic letter individually and learn its unique characteristics. Make sure to practice prolonging the letters to get the hang of their pronunciation.

Step 4: Practice Short Surahs

Start reciting short Surahs such as Al-Fatihah and Al-Ikhlas that have simple words and short verses. This will help you apply the Tajweed rules you have learned and gradually build your confidence. Remember, the key is consistency and regular practice. Listen to the recitation of renowned reciters and try to imitate their Tajweed.

Step 5: Seek Guidance and Feedback

Seek guidance and feedback from an experienced Quran teacher or a trusted online platform like ARABYPLUS. They can help you identify areas of improvement and provide constructive feedback. Attend Quran Tajweed classes regularly and practice daily to improve your recitation.

Step 6: Be Patient and Persistent

Learning Tajweed requires patience and persistence. Do not rush the process and take your time to perfect each rule. Remember, Tajweed is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the process and enjoy the journey towards perfection.


Starting your Quran Tajweed journey does not have to be scary. With the right approach and mindset, anyone can learn and perfect Tajweed. Start with the basics, practice regularly, seek guidance and be patient. Remember, the Quran is a blessing and learning Tajweed is a way to honour and preserve its sacred message. Embrace the journey towards perfection and let the beauty of the Quranic message elevate your soul.

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