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Understanding the Five Pillars of Islam: An in-depth look at the core beliefs and practices of Islam

The Five Pillars of Islam are the fundamental religious duties that every Muslim must follow throughout their lives. These pillars provide guidance and structure to the Islamic faith, serving as the foundation of Islam.

01- The first pillar is Shahadah,

which is the declaration of faith. Muslims publicly declare that there is no god but God, and Muhammad is his messenger. This profession of faith serves as an affirmation that Allah is the one true God and that Muhammad (pbuh) was His messenger. Shahadah also implies that one must submit themselves entirely to the will of Allah.

02- The second pillar is Salat,

which refers to ritual prayer. Muslims perform Salat five times a day at specific times during the day, facing Mecca (the holy city in Saudi Arabia), reciting specific verses from the Quran and offering supplications to Allah. Muslims are required to perform Salat on a daily basis and abstain from any activities or conversations during this time.

03- The third pillar is Zakat,

which is a form of charity. Muslims give away 2.5% of their wealth each year to help those who are less fortunate than them. Zakat can be given in cash or kind (such as food or clothing), and it aims to promote social equality by encouraging people who have more resources than others to share some of their wealth with those who have less.

04- The fourth pillar is Sawm,

which refers to fasting during the month of Ramadan. Muslims abstain from eating or drinking anything from sunrise until sunset for 30 days straight during Ramadan, with exceptions for those who are ill or pregnant. This practice helps reinforce self-restraint among believers so that they may better appreciate their blessings from Allah.

05- The fifth pillar is Hajj,

which is an annual pilgrimage. Muslims must make the Hajj pilgrimage at least once in their lifetime if they are financially able. During Hajj, pilgrims travel to Mecca where they perform various rituals such as circling around Kaaba seven times clockwise followed by walking between two hills called Safa & Marwa seven times back & forth. Hajj serves as an opportunity for believers around the world to come together in worshiping God regardless of race or nationality while demonstrating solidarity within Islam’s global community.

By understanding and practicing the Five Pillars of Islam, Muslims can live a life devoted to Allah’s will. Araby+ offers experienced tutors who can help you learn and practice these principles through comprehensive Quran courses. Explore our courses at Araby+ and start your journey towards a deeper understanding and practice of the Five Pillars of Islam.

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